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Wednesday 27 March 2013

Magnetic Therapy For Cats

Magnetic therapy can help alleviate the arthritis pain in cats in a drug free manner. 

How magnetic therapy works in pets
It is well known that a magnet in its basic form is iron or steel object charged in an electromagnetic field. These magnets can be of ferrite core or natural earth materials like boron and iron. Each magnet is characterized by the presence of a north pole and a south pole.
When a cat is exposed to the north pole of a magnet, there are numerous beneficial effects that helps it gain drug free cat arthritis pain relief and  reduction of hyperactivity.

Pet magnetic therapy treatment benefits
  • Helps in relaxation of muscles
  • Reduces the blood pressure
  • Healing of fractures by bringing down the acidity which helps bones heal quicker
  • Decrease in the growth of bacteria and viruses
  • Reduction in the growth of abnormal cells
  • Enhances the blood circulation which reduces inflammation
  • Increase in the red blood cell count
  • Stimulate tissues and increase the oxygen flow to tissues

There are two important things to be aware of when subjecting cats to magnetic therapy treatment.
Firstly, cat owners are strongly advised to consult their veterinarian before subjecting their cat to magnetic therapy.
Secondly, do not use the south pole of the magnet to treat cats especially if they have infections. Using the south pole of the magnet over the cat’s head can be deleterious causing abnormal behavior. Also an increase in white blood cell count can increase inflammation.

Different forms of magnetic therapy treatment for cats
It is to be remembered that the blood circulation in the bodies of pets, especially cats and dogs is much quicker than in humans. Because of their comparatively smaller body size, the blood circulates rapidly in pets and this paves the way for better and more rapid absorption of magnetic fields in cats and dogs than humans.

When magnets are placed around the neck of a cat, in the form of a magnetic collar, the magnetic fields emitted are absorbed by the carotid artery really fast. This artery is crucial in carrying the oxygen from the cat’s heart to the head and neck.

The enhanced blood circulation in pets results in stimulating the tissues and reducing the inflammation in the joints of the cat affected by arthritis.

The AnimalMagnet Collar attachment is beneficial  and helps alleviate the arthritic pain in the joints and also helps the cat gain a sound night’s sleep.

Moreover, the use of magnetic therapy on cats drastically reduces the attacks of parasites like ear mites and fleas as these cannot survive in an electromagnetic field leaving the cats with no itching sensation and reduced risk of infection.

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