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Thursday 11 April 2013

Magnetic therapy - As a non-evasive natural therapy

Magnetic therapy is recognised as a non-evasive natural therapy. It is not new and the ancient Egyptians and Greeks are known to have used magnetic therapy thousands of years ago.

Earlier in 2011, the Daily Mail reported on how magnet pulse therapy could spell the end of anti depressants after US researchers conducted tests on more than 300 patients with severe depression and found 58 per cent achieved a positive response, while more than a third (37 per cent) went into remission. The study has led to a renewed surge in interest with many more people eager to understand how they can benefit. So how can magnets help you manage your health?

Essentially, the world is one giant magnet, we have a magnetic field that we have evolved to need and have iron platelets in our blood, which need a constant source of magnetic field to stay negatively polarised or they start to stick together to form strings – or moneyrolls. These ‘moneyrolls’ slow down blood flow and circulation and can contribute to reduced metabolism and compromise of your immune system. The long term effect can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and reduction in the body’s ability to heal itself. In addition to this, the body’s pH level then moves from an alkaline pH level to a more acidic PH level.

When the pH level in the body stays on the acid side for an extended period of time, a condition of acidosis occurs. Acidosis is a central factor in the degenerative disease process. Chronic degenerative diseases, such as cancer and Type II diabetes, are acute acidic reactions extended into chronic states.

Body pH levels
The more acidic the body, the more pain you can feel because your body is telling you that something is wrong.

“A negative magnetic field is required for healing in general, including cuts, bruises, broken bones, allergic reactions, infections and inflammation," explains Dr William Philpott, author of Magnetic Therapy.

"A negative magnetic field normalises pH, which prevents or relives the symptoms of immunologic and non-immunologic sensitivities and addictive withdrawal symptoms. The oxygenation of cells and tissues occurs in the presence of a negative magnetic field”

The closer you can get to an alkaline pH level the more in tune your body is to where it should be and the best thing to reset this is to spend time in a country that doesn’t have the electronic smog we find in all technologically advanced countries.

Think about it – how much are degenerative diseases a huge problem in the less advanced countries? The smog blocks our access to the magnetic field our bodies require from the earth’s magnetic field – all our jewellery does is replace that...

Protection from Electronic Fields
Magnetism is a force; as previously discussed, the earth is one big magnet from the North to the South Pole. As human beings, we have evolved to need a certain amount of Magnetic Field around us. This has an effect on mankind and wildlife and it is just as important as air, water, food, and light, but our world has changed and our natural magnetism has been diluted by electronic smog. We all need to wear a magnet of some sort to protect us from everyday pollution, such as TV, computers, microwaves, power lines, cars, planes, trains and it goes on. These have also been connected with cancer. Some say that the pollution affects the cells in our bodies that make up human tissue. For most, it generally will not cause any harm.

Researchers have found that most electrical items should be at least 3 ft away from us, but that is almost impossible especially when working on a computer! So the benefit of wearing a magnet of some sort is a must for good health.

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