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Thursday 2 May 2013

Magnetic Therapy Treatment For Neck Pain Relief

Magnetic therapy has been known to provide relief from neck pain without invasive surgery or use of powerful anti-inflammatory drugs.

A lot of neck pain problems are caused by poor posture. If one spends a lot of time with the neck tilted to one side or hunched over a computer or car wheel for hours together, such poor postures can lead to neck pain.

Neck – Functions and Importance
The neck is made up of seven bones in the form of cervical vertebrae found at the upper part of the spine. These bones hold up the head in place and also form the basis for the food pipe, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and air tubes.
The numerous blood vessels found in the neck allow blood to flow through to the head and the brain. The neck holds the trachea and the food pipe known as esophagus which is the pathway for food and water to the rest of the body.
The upper spinal cord that reaches the neck is responsible for the movements of the body and this is connected to the stem of the brain in the neck.
The muscles of the head and neck can be segregated by function. The muscles responsible for facial expression, mastication or chewing, tongue muscles, pharynx, larynx, hearing and sight are all located in the skull and the neck regions.
The above facts clearly prove that the neck is a very important region and is responsible for several important functions in the human body.

Causes of neck pain
A lot of neck pain problems are caused by poor posture. If one spends a lot of time with the neck tilted to one side or hunched over a computer or car wheel for hours together, such poor postures can lead to neck pain.
Causes of stiff neck
Stiff neck is experienced by majority of the people at some point or the other in their lifetime. The main cause of stiff neck is due to the straining of the levator scapula muscle which connects the cervical spine with the shoulder.
The spraining of the levator scapula muscle occurs because of normal everyday activities like injuries around neck region, sleeping in an awkward position that strains the neck, slouched posture in front of a computer and long periods of stress.
Symptoms of stiff neck
The symptoms of a stiff neck can be tenderness in the region above the shoulder blades and spreading to the upper back portion. The inflammation of the muscles makes movement of the neck very painful. This pain can last anywhere from couple of days to a week when the cervical spine gets time to heal.

Use Magnetic Bracelets, Necklaces & MagnetHeart to help you with pain relief 

Buy your MagnetHeart Click Here


Thursday 11 April 2013

What the experts say about Magnetic Therapy

Dr. Kenneth S. McLean:
 "This treatment is a godsend. It's good for almost anything".
Dr. J. Baron:
 "This is a revolution for the treatment of muscle injuries, joint pain and posture problems. We have treated 4000 patients with whiplash injuries and cured 80%".
Dr. Madeline F. Barnothy: 
"The application of a magnetic field will develop into a powerful new analytic and therapeutic tool of medicine".
Dr. Neville S. Benagali MD:
 "The astounding results obtained through magnet therapy gives it a place of considerable importance in the field of therapeutics".
Dr. Louis Donnet MD:
 "Besides being easy to use, efficient and inexpensive, magnetic therapy offers a total guarantee of safety".
Dr. Ken Wianko, MD: 
"Magnetic therapy helps the body to regain it's self-healing electromagnetic balance naturally.Cell regulation, tissue function and life, are controlled by electromagnetic currents!"

Source: Internet

The History of Magnets

Historically it is reported that magnets have been around for an extremely long time. Magnets were first documented around 2500-3000 years BC. Their origins are first noted in Asia Minor in a vast land called Magnesia. The earth there was enriched with iron oxide which attracted metals to it. The locals named it Magnetite.

    Another story is told of a man, who lived 2500 years BC, called Magnes— a shepherd on Mount Ida. One day he was tending his sheep whilst wearing sandals which contained iron in the sole. He found it hard to walk up the mountain as his feet felt heavy and stuck to the rock face. Mount Ida was found to contain a rock called Lodestone, which is the first known magnetic mineral. It is reported that Lodestone was named Magnes after the boy who discovered it, and it later came to be known as magnet.

    Magnets have been used in Chinese medicine from around 2000 BC in-conjunction with reflexology and acupuncture. It is still used today as a first line treatment for many common complaints.

    3,500 years after they were first discovered, magnets have gained popularity in Europe and the USA. In the 15th century a Swiss physician Paracelsus recognised the therapeutic powers of magnets. He wrote medical papers on the influence of magnets on the inflammatory processes within the body.

 Cleopatra was probably the first celebrity to use magnets. It is documented that she slept on a Lodestone to keep her skin youthful. The therapeutic knowledge was passed to the Greeks who have been using magnets for healing since 2500 BC Aristotle and Plato talked of the benefits of Lodestones in their work.

    In the 16th century an English doctor Dr William Gilbert made a scientific study of electricity and magnetism. He published one of the first books about magnetic therapy called “De Magnet”. Dr Gilbert was also Queens Elizabeth I personal physician and it is said that she used magnets under his direction.

    Michael Faraday, also known as the founder of Biomagnetics made extensive discoveries in magnetic healing during the 18th century. His work is still used as a framework for modern day magnetic treatments. Dr Mesmer (the father of hypnotism) and Dr Samuel Hahnemann (the father of homoeopathy) also contributed to his remarkable work. 

    20th century pioneers include Dr Kreft a German doctor who in 1905 studied the healing effects of magnets on rheumatic disease, sciatica and neuralgia. 1926 revealed Dr Criles work on the impact of magnets on cancer cells and this was followed 10 years later in 1936 with Albert Davis carrying out tests on the effects of the north and south poles of a magnet.
 However the last 15 years has shown a prolific increase in medical research into magnetic therapy. There have been over 57 studies in the USA into incurable diseases and magnetics. Some of the most recent are:

1990 – University if Hawaii tested magnetic fields on patients with osteoarthritis.
1992- Stiller et al a randomised double blind trial of wound healing in venous leg wounds.
1999- New York Medical College tested magnetic insoles on diabetic patients.
2001- University of Virginia tested magnetic mattress covers on patients with Fibromyalgia.
2004- University of Exeter and Plymouth tested magnetic bracelets on patients with osteoarthritis

    Magnetic therapy is gaining in popularity worldwide with many celebrity devotees including:

Cherie Blair
Bill Clinton
Anthony Hopkins
Prince William
Queen Elizabeth II
Shirley McLain
Venus Williams
Michael Jordan
Andre Agassi
Jack Nicklaus and many more.

    Magnetic devices are now registered as prescribable medical devices in 54 countries worldwide With new research being completed each year and doctors at last acknowledging that it is not “witch doctory” we shall hopefully see, with in the next few years, magnetic devices being prescribed on the NHS in-conjunction with conventional pain killing drugs.

How do magnets work for the body

Documented for centuries, Scientists have found that magnets can stimulate the circulation and regulate the blood flow. Overstretched veins tighten up and constricted blood vessels relax, resulting in swelling and inflammation being reduced.  Injuries healed better and faster and wounds significantly reduced with the effect of a magnet. Sports injuries significantly improved by alternating magnets with ice packs on sprains, bruises and grazes.

Powerful Neodymium magnets worn near a pulse point stimulate the blood cells, therefore passing oxygen and nutrients around the body more efficiently in turn, releasing a natural anti-inflammatory, Cortisol, resulting in the alleviation of symptoms of many common ailments.

Energetix use TOP QUALITY Neodymium Magnets – guaranteed only to lose 1% of their power in the first 100 years of their life.  Many other magnets on the market do not offer this guarantee.

The strength of our magnets is the optimum strength to effect the whole body, but we offer stronger magnets in our wellness products and some jewellery to stimulate a specific area of discomfort.

Read more about Powerful MAGNETS here 

Some say “It’s the placebo effect” but there are many success stories relating to children and animals who really wouldn’t understand about the effects of magnets on their bodies.

Have you tried Energetix Magnetic Jewellery & Wellness Products?

Bracelet: Particularly recommended because as the veins run past the wrist, the blood flow is improved resulting in 15% increase in oxygen transport.  Ultimately this can result in improvement of metabolism, detoxification, stabilization of blood pressure, renewal of cells/tissues encouraging the body to heal itself.
Click Here to View the entire Collection: 

For her : There is beautiful ENERGETIX Bingen magnetic jewellery for every occasion. For business, leisure, shopping or a festive event - from the Basic to the Classic! Energetix Bingen creations always take the current design trend a little further. So the wearer can always be sure of wearing exclusive jewellery that is loved throughout the world.

Click here to view the FOR HER Range

For Him: Men want to be attractive and jewellery has a part to play in this. So the designers at ENERGETIX Bingen continually turn their imagination to the masculine, too. They have produced creations that meet the wishes of the male world in terms of shape, motif and material - attractive jewellery that emphasizes individual personality.
Click here to view the Men's Collection 

Earrings:   Strengthens the eyes, helps sinuses, relieve tinnitus and migraines. Improves supply of oxygen to the brain

Necklace:    A magnet at the back of the neck relieves tension in shoulders and neck.

View the entire Necklace Collection click here

Ring: It is recommended for people working with their hands on a regular and repetitive basis (hairdressers, musicians etc) or having Arthiritis on their hands and fingers.

View the entire Ring Collection click here

The Energetix Wellness Range :

The Magnetic Heart (2200 Gauss) & MagnetStrip (1800 Gauss) Recommended for targeted pain, anywhere in the body 

The MagnetPebble (2200 Gauss), a palmstone, simply feels good and is often used as a massage accessory.

MagnetMassage Two magnets are integrated into the massage tool. The smaller magnet has 1800 gauss, the bigger one 2200 Gauss for massaging, applying & relaxing

The MagnetStick puts magnetic energy in your drink, coaster supplements the effect.

Magnetic therapy - As a non-evasive natural therapy

Magnetic therapy is recognised as a non-evasive natural therapy. It is not new and the ancient Egyptians and Greeks are known to have used magnetic therapy thousands of years ago.

Earlier in 2011, the Daily Mail reported on how magnet pulse therapy could spell the end of anti depressants after US researchers conducted tests on more than 300 patients with severe depression and found 58 per cent achieved a positive response, while more than a third (37 per cent) went into remission. The study has led to a renewed surge in interest with many more people eager to understand how they can benefit. So how can magnets help you manage your health?

Essentially, the world is one giant magnet, we have a magnetic field that we have evolved to need and have iron platelets in our blood, which need a constant source of magnetic field to stay negatively polarised or they start to stick together to form strings – or moneyrolls. These ‘moneyrolls’ slow down blood flow and circulation and can contribute to reduced metabolism and compromise of your immune system. The long term effect can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and reduction in the body’s ability to heal itself. In addition to this, the body’s pH level then moves from an alkaline pH level to a more acidic PH level.

When the pH level in the body stays on the acid side for an extended period of time, a condition of acidosis occurs. Acidosis is a central factor in the degenerative disease process. Chronic degenerative diseases, such as cancer and Type II diabetes, are acute acidic reactions extended into chronic states.

Body pH levels
The more acidic the body, the more pain you can feel because your body is telling you that something is wrong.

“A negative magnetic field is required for healing in general, including cuts, bruises, broken bones, allergic reactions, infections and inflammation," explains Dr William Philpott, author of Magnetic Therapy.

"A negative magnetic field normalises pH, which prevents or relives the symptoms of immunologic and non-immunologic sensitivities and addictive withdrawal symptoms. The oxygenation of cells and tissues occurs in the presence of a negative magnetic field”

The closer you can get to an alkaline pH level the more in tune your body is to where it should be and the best thing to reset this is to spend time in a country that doesn’t have the electronic smog we find in all technologically advanced countries.

Think about it – how much are degenerative diseases a huge problem in the less advanced countries? The smog blocks our access to the magnetic field our bodies require from the earth’s magnetic field – all our jewellery does is replace that...

Protection from Electronic Fields
Magnetism is a force; as previously discussed, the earth is one big magnet from the North to the South Pole. As human beings, we have evolved to need a certain amount of Magnetic Field around us. This has an effect on mankind and wildlife and it is just as important as air, water, food, and light, but our world has changed and our natural magnetism has been diluted by electronic smog. We all need to wear a magnet of some sort to protect us from everyday pollution, such as TV, computers, microwaves, power lines, cars, planes, trains and it goes on. These have also been connected with cancer. Some say that the pollution affects the cells in our bodies that make up human tissue. For most, it generally will not cause any harm.

Researchers have found that most electrical items should be at least 3 ft away from us, but that is almost impossible especially when working on a computer! So the benefit of wearing a magnet of some sort is a must for good health.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Magnetic Therapy For Cats

Magnetic therapy can help alleviate the arthritis pain in cats in a drug free manner. 

How magnetic therapy works in pets
It is well known that a magnet in its basic form is iron or steel object charged in an electromagnetic field. These magnets can be of ferrite core or natural earth materials like boron and iron. Each magnet is characterized by the presence of a north pole and a south pole.
When a cat is exposed to the north pole of a magnet, there are numerous beneficial effects that helps it gain drug free cat arthritis pain relief and  reduction of hyperactivity.

Pet magnetic therapy treatment benefits
  • Helps in relaxation of muscles
  • Reduces the blood pressure
  • Healing of fractures by bringing down the acidity which helps bones heal quicker
  • Decrease in the growth of bacteria and viruses
  • Reduction in the growth of abnormal cells
  • Enhances the blood circulation which reduces inflammation
  • Increase in the red blood cell count
  • Stimulate tissues and increase the oxygen flow to tissues

There are two important things to be aware of when subjecting cats to magnetic therapy treatment.
Firstly, cat owners are strongly advised to consult their veterinarian before subjecting their cat to magnetic therapy.
Secondly, do not use the south pole of the magnet to treat cats especially if they have infections. Using the south pole of the magnet over the cat’s head can be deleterious causing abnormal behavior. Also an increase in white blood cell count can increase inflammation.

Different forms of magnetic therapy treatment for cats
It is to be remembered that the blood circulation in the bodies of pets, especially cats and dogs is much quicker than in humans. Because of their comparatively smaller body size, the blood circulates rapidly in pets and this paves the way for better and more rapid absorption of magnetic fields in cats and dogs than humans.

When magnets are placed around the neck of a cat, in the form of a magnetic collar, the magnetic fields emitted are absorbed by the carotid artery really fast. This artery is crucial in carrying the oxygen from the cat’s heart to the head and neck.

The enhanced blood circulation in pets results in stimulating the tissues and reducing the inflammation in the joints of the cat affected by arthritis.

The AnimalMagnet Collar attachment is beneficial  and helps alleviate the arthritic pain in the joints and also helps the cat gain a sound night’s sleep.

Moreover, the use of magnetic therapy on cats drastically reduces the attacks of parasites like ear mites and fleas as these cannot survive in an electromagnetic field leaving the cats with no itching sensation and reduced risk of infection.