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Thursday 14 February 2013

Magnetic Therapy for Plants

  • Magnetized water has less surface tension and may dissolve more nutrients than harder water. 
  • These extra nutrients flow to and are more readily absorbed by the roots, stimulating their growth. 
  • In addition to faster growth, the extra nutrients  allow a higher proportion of plants to thrive, increasing crop production from 15 to 20 percent or more.
  • Water changes in structure to improve the  absorption of nutrients more readily to the roots resulting in faster growth and bigger yield.

Benefits of Bio-Magnetized water
  • Help plants grow stronger, greener & larger.
  • Seedlings germination rates were 68 % 
  • Bio-magnetic water is more solvent so nutrients in the water are absorbed more readily.  Thus you get a healthier plant while using less fertilizer

You may think that magnetism is totally unrelated to botany and plants in particular. However, many researches have proved that it affects plant growth. Let's find out how...

Many of us are not aware that magnetism and plant growth are related to each other. In 1862, Louis Pasteur discovered that magnetism affects growth of plants when he was experimenting on the fundamentals of fermentation. He found that the earth's magnetism affects the growth of plants. This concept can be effectively utilized in agricultural areas. Plant growth can be stimulated by treating the seeds, water, soil and nutrients in the soil. Magnetism is a renewable source of energy that can enhance growth. This strategy is used for agricultural development in Israel.

Geomagnetism and Plant Growth

The Earth in itself is a magnet. The dynamo theory relates magnetism and earth. It states that kinetic energy is converted to magnetic energy through electrically conducting fluid. Earth possesses this electrically conducting fluid at its core, which is the reason for earth's magnetism. A magnetic dipole is formed on the earth, one known as the North pole and the other as the South pole. An hypothetical line joining these poles is called the earth's axis of rotation. This magnetic property of Earth is referred to as geomagnetism.

Geomagnetism affects plant growth to a great extent, and the coconut tree is a good example. Geomagnetism affects the foliage growth of coconut trees. This effect is seen on the leaf scar that are marks left on the trunk or twig when the leaf falls. They are divided in two categories:
L trees: Trees on which the leaf scar on the tree trunk is inclined at an angle to the left are called L trees. These are found in the southern hemisphere.
R trees: Trees on which leaf scar on the tree trunk is inclined at an angle to the right are called R trees. These are found in the northern hemisphere.

Magnetism and Seeds

Levels of energy in seeds vary from the time they are harvested to the time they are to be sown. This is the reason why all the seeds sown do not grow to form a plant. This growth can be increased by magnetizing the seeds using a Magnetizer. A magnetizer is an equipment that is used to treat the seeds magnetically. It improves the germination rate in seeds, increases their protein content and the time required for the growth of the vegetation. U.S.Pat.No. 4,020,590 was issued to Albert R. Davis in 1977 for the apparatus and method of treating seeds with the magnetizer. The process of magnetizing seeds substantially accelerates the growth and improves the quality of plants. The germination of seeds is faster if they are exposed to the south pole of an artificial magnet before sowing. Roots of plants contain starch molecules that determine the effect of the earth's magnetism on that plant. Starch molecules are also known as protoplasm. The seeds of radish, potatoes, carrots, turnips grow well when exposed to the north pole of a magnet. The alignment of roots is decided by the North and South poles of earth. The roots align in the north-south direction, parallel to the axis of rotation of the earth.

Magnetized Water

The process of magnetizing water increases its solubility and filtering ability. Nutrients are dissolved easily in magnetized water. It can be used for irrigation and increases the fertility of the soil. Magnetized water helps in easy penetration of minerals in the plant cell. This decreases the amount of water needed for irrigation. At times, sea water of certain ppm levels (parts per million levels of salt) can be used for irrigation in cultivations that require salty water.

Fertilizers get dissolved in magnetized water and easily penetrate to the plant cell, thereby decreasing the use of fertilizers. Nowadays, many horticultural activities are carried out using the principles of magnetism.

Many scientists had made an hypothesis that if a magnet was placed below the plants, those containing iron lean towards the ground. However, experiments have proved them wrong. In fact, plants with magnets below them grew taller than those without magnets below them.

Read more here

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