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Friday 1 March 2013

Therapeutical Magnets

Dr. Verena Breitenbach, a gynecologist though press and television have run many tests on the Magnetic Panty. After these tests, Dr. Breitenbach unreservedly recommends the Magnet Panty for the severe menstrual pain relief.

Dr.Verena Breitenbach writes in her Book ''Healthy At Last'' - The most practical method was to wear a magnet in their panties to alleviate menstrual pain! The results were striking and exceeded both my own expectations and those of my patients!  For many women, their periods is hell. To receive effective help for this inevitably recurring pain is a real blessing. A  magnet also works with functional lower abdominal problems, which are characterised by cramps and blood stasis. Even with chronic infections of the vagina, it was evident that the equilibrium in the vagina could very quickly be restored through the agency of a magnet! ''

The Magnet Panty- Its an exclusive product made This product was design by ENERGETIX. Two magnets of 1800 gauss made from the natural rock neodymium come with the Magnetic Panty. These therapeutically magnetic magnets are a severe menstrual pain relief for those severe menstrual cramps every month.

For more information on severe menstrual pain relief and the magnet panty please click here on Magnet Panty.

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