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Monday 21 January 2013

Magnetic Therapy is Total Natural Relief

Magnet therapy is the application of the magnetic field of electromagnetic devices or permanent static magnets to the body for purported health benefits. Some practitioners assign different effects based on the orientation of the magnet; under the laws of physics, magnetic poles are symmetric.

Magnetic Therapy is now one of the most popular alternative medicines - up to 100 million people practice it!  So what draws them in...?

Magnets have always been used to promote health. Cleopatra wore jewellery charged with magnetism and Queen Elizabeth 1 is said to have used magnets to ease her arthritis.
And it hasn't gone out of fashion. People who practice magnetic therapy claim that is natural and simple way of making you feel better is quicker. They say it works on colds and flu, stress, arthritis and rheumatism, headaches, muscle strain, period pain and several chronic skin diseases.

How does magnetic therapy work?

Magnet therapy like other alternative therapies want to encourage you to find the root cause of your disease and not just mask the symptoms. For example, take arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. Doctors will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to stop the inflammation. However, what they don’t look at is why your body is causing inflammation. Your body will continue to stay inflamed and you will continue to fill that prescription bottle and eventually over time realize the pills stopped working and you’re still in pain.
Inflammation can be caused by a number of reasons such as dehydration, insufficient nutrients from consuming unhealthy foods, lack of strong muscles, or cellular misfiring.
Using therapeutic magnets can reduce your inflammation in the body. This is significant research because inflammation causes swelling and swelling puts pressure on surrounding nerves and tissue which in turn causes pain. You want to decrease the pain without introducing new toxic substances. Magnet therapy can do that.

History of Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic therapy dates back thousands of years, with the first documented use around 2500-3000 years BC. Cleopatra is one of the first people of note to have used magnet therapy. It is frequently documented that Cleopatra used to sleep on a Lodestone, a naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite, to keep her skin looking youthful. The Chinese were the first people to make use of magnets, and the Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine, the earliest medical writing in 2000 BC, mentions the application of magnetic stones. The word magnet comes from the Greek language, and derives from Magnes lithos, meaning ‘stone from Magnesia’. Magnesia was an area of Greece known for its volcanic rocks containing magnetic forces.
Despite the common use of magnets in certain parts of the world, Europe was slow to appreciate magnet therapy. In the 16th century an Englishman, Dr William Gilbert, published one of the first books about magnet therapy, called De Magnet. Gilbert was the first recognised expert to describe the Earth as one big magnet, with magnetic poles close to the North and South Poles.
During the next few centuries, scientists continued to study magnets and their use became much more widely recognised. One notable pioneer was Dr Kreft, a German scientist, who in 1905 studied the effects of magnets further bringing wider recognition this side of the globe. Many well known people are advocates of magnet therapy such as Cherie Blair, Anthony Hopkins, Prince William, Michael Jordan and Andre Agassi.

Source : Wikipedia

Note: Whilst unable to make claims of a ‘cure’ it is known that wearing a magnet does improve health and well-being.  It’s NOT advised to replace conventional medication without consulting your doctor. Not to be worn when pregnant, wearing a pacemaker or electronic hearing aid.

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