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Thursday 24 January 2013

How Do Magnets Work?

Powerful Neodymium magnets worn near a pulse point stimulate the blood cells, therefore passing oxygen and nutrients around the body more efficiently in turn, releasing a natural anti-inflammatory, Cortisol, resulting in the alleviation of symptoms of many common ailments.
 As a result, toxins are removed therefore reducing the chemical imbalance which is often the cause of discomfort.

The earth has its own negative magnetic field and, whilst there is no scientific proof, it is logical to assume the north (negative) pole will work in conjunction with the earth’s magnetism.

ENERGETIX uses TOP QUALITY Neodymium Magnets – guaranteed only to lose 1% of their power in the first 100 years of their life.  Many other magnets on the market do not offer this guarantee.The strength of Energetix magnets is the optimum strength to effect the whole body, but ENERGETIX offers stronger magnets in their wellness products and some jewellery to stimulate a specific area of discomfort.
Some say “It’s the placebo effect” but there are many success stories relating to children and animals who really wouldn’t understand about the effects of magnets on their bodies.

Documented for centuries, the effects of magnets on the body has intrigued people for thousands of years, scientists have found that magnets can stimulate the circulation and regulate the blood flow. Overstretched veins tighten up and constricted blood vessels relax, resulting in swelling and inflammation being reduced.  Injuries healed better and faster and wounds significantly reduced with the effect of a magnet. 

Sports injuries significantly improved by alternating magnets with ice packs on sprains, bruises and grazes.
No definitive answers as to why a little magnet helps but there are several answers which could be plausible.  On the other hand, there is much evidence and many testimonials which support the belief – pre-empting scientific reports.

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